Friday, December 17, 2010

The Merry Lights of Mercer

Stars Line the Streets of Mercer
Well, it may not be Times Square, or even Lake Drive in Milwaukee, but the merchants of Mercer have decorated their businesses and it makes me happy to drive through the downtown at night.

The Associated Bank

The Pocket Park

Dr. Nehring's (the dentist) Office
Baby Jesus at the Dentist's Office

Aunt Esther's Attic
Turtle River Trading Company

Tom's Cafe

Some people say that downtown Mercer is not the most attractive small town they have ever seen, but I agree with Aaron Rose, one of the drivers of the Beautiful Losers art movement. He wrote:

"In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary."

Here are some more pictures of the town.

The Anchor Bar 
The Wampum Shop

The Heart of the North Bar

The Chamber of Commerce
I think it might be nice to drive down the streets of Mercer while listening to Christmas Lights by Coldplay.  You can hear it and see the video on their website  or on YouTube .  I especially like the last verse:

Oh Christmas lights
Light up the street
Light up the fireworks in me
May all your troubles soon be gone
Those Christmas lights keep shining on

Here is our house at night

1 comment:

  1. Beth, this is a neat little website you've put together! Your little town looks peaceful and charming, and it sounds like you're loving living there! I hope you and Pete have a wonderful first Christmas there! And the dogs look terrific!
    ~ Jeanne
