Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

The Weimaraners are Ready to Charge into 2011
Maddie, Gracie and Asher received beautiful new red jackets from Hallie, Karen and Mary. They will be warm and dry and ready for action this winter. They even glow in the dark at night.
Ghostly Glowing Dogs

Pete and I are making our new year's resolutions later, but the dogs go to sleep early so I thought we should work on their resolutions this afternoon.  I don't think they understood the concept at first.  I explained that they needed to make a few goals to improve things and work on them during the year.  Here's what they came up with:

The Weimaraners' 2011 Resolutions - Take One

Asher - I will catch more ducks.
Maddie Jo - I will take more car trips.
Gracie - I will not wear any more costumes.
No More Costumes in 2011.

More Ducks in 2011
 More Trips in 2011

Those were okay for the first attempt, but I thought they should make resolutions that would benefit others, as well as themselves. For help I turned to the experts at Highlights magazine and read a little Goofus and Gallant to inspire the dogs.

The dogs all agreed it would be fine to share our oranges, and grapefruit would be okay too (The Weimaraner's 2011 Resolutions - Take Two). Very generous, but try again.  Here's what we finally came up with:

The Weimaraners' 2011 Resolutions - Final Take

Asher will try to come when he is called the first time.
Maddie Jo will be kinder to Gracie.
Gracie will stop counter-surfing.

Goofus Asher
runs away when called.
Gallant Asher
happily runs home.

Goofus Maddie gives Gracie
the evil eye and growls.

Gracious Maddie accepts
Gracie for who she is.

Goofus Gracie takes
food off the counter.
Gracious Gracie
quietly waits for her dinner.

As expected the dogs pooped out early.  They each had a little dish of black-eyed peas for luck, went for a quick romp outside and then retired for the evening.

Lucky Dog
Maddie Jo finished up a bowl
of black-eyed peas.

Wake me up next year.

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