Monday, December 13, 2010

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

We got our first real snowstorm over the weekend.  It snowed off and on, more on than off, for two days. It was a beautiful, quiet falling snow without wind and freezing temperatures to mar the effect or the dogs' play.  They swam through the snow like porpoises - just call Maddie Jo Flipper.

Sorry Vikings that your Metrodome broke, but your loss was Mercer's gain.  Packers vs Lions was broadcast in place of your game.  The Packers' loss wasn't so fun, but hey, we can go out and play in the snow.

Pete Sledding

The newspaper reported that parts of Minnesota got two feet of snow with even higher drifts.  We didn't get that much here - only about twelve inches according to my yardstick.

Piles of snow are no problem when you have a division of labor.  We leave Ashe Road to the City. Arien and Sif handle the rest.

City Plow
Pete's Snow Blower, Arien
Beth's Shovel, Sif

Pete and Arien do the turnaround. Sif and I do the sidewalk, deck and dog gangway.  We were all pretty busy over the weekend.

Maddie got a dusting by Arien

Pete with Arien

Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful,
And since we've no place to go,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

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