Monday, March 5, 2012

State of Snow

There's snow, there's snow, wherever I go, there's plenty of snow!

Last Wednesday we got loads of snow in Mercer.

twelve new inches

Where's Pete?

There was so much snow - the dogs' doggie door was blocked.

"We can't get out."

"Ah, finally!"

Karen was visiting Dad in Mequon for the weekend, so I drove down to visit both of them. 
The snow followed me!

Snowy River
-photo of the Milwaukee River from the backyard in Mequon-

about 3"

The pool was
closed, but . . .

the river was open for swimming.

I drove back up to Mercer on Monday and the snow followed me back!

Snowstorm on Payment Lake

Snow, Smo - we're ready to go!


Maddie Jo
Gracie, Mr. French and the chickens are a little less enthusiastic about the weather.  They all stayed inside.

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