Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Break

The lakes are starting to break. It's a dangerous time of year for the dogs; they've gotten used to walking on water - Payment Lake on Ice - all winter.
Asher watches the
ice break from the
dock - Good Dog.

On the lookout
for birds and

They seem to understand that they can't go on the ice and I keep crossing my fingers that the lake will open soon.

Asher stays on the shoreline - Good Dog.

Ducks in the sky bear watching.

"Just try landing on my lake!"

The dogs were outside for most of Saturday.  So many new smells and things to check out.

Gracie in the woods.

Asher deep in the woods.

Asher in the Friendly Forest.

Maddie tastes the last of the snow.

Pete cooked down what little sap he could harvest. The weather hasn't given us the cold temperatures at night that are needed for a good sap run.

Boiling down the sap.

Asher, acting as food inspector, tastes
the raw product.
Today looks like another nice day, but Wisconsin always gets an April snowstorm, so I hesitate to put everything away yet.

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