Monday, March 12, 2012

March Melt

It was a warm weekend in the Northwoods with temperatures in the 50s. On our walk yesterday morning I noted the snowpiles on the sides of Ashe Road were melting fast.

In the early morning there were still some icy patches - use caution!
Gracie was cautious
and stopped often.

Maddie walked slowly
and carefully

Asher? He threw caution to the wind!
We had the opportunity to check on Pete's sap collectors.  He put them up a few days ago and they seem to be doing well.
blue sap sack

a new collection

As I walked through the ice and mud I contemplated my boots - L.L. Bean, wool-lined, zip boots.  These rubber-bottomed, leather upper boots have been the perfect shoe for me.  They're great in the muddy fall and spring, while equally as great in the winter. They keep my feet warm and dry and the zipper makes them easy to slip on and off.

These boots were made for walking.
 Karen remarked that the soles of L.L. Bean boots were too slippery for Seattle. Maybe the smooth surfaces of sidewalks and streets aren't the right surface. Up here there's plenty of grip and grit.

"Get your boots on and let's
go home."
"We're waiting."
The lakes are still covered with ice, but they are really slushy.

Payment Lake 

The chickens came out to play.

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