Sunday, May 8, 2011

We're Not Cooped Up

Pete & Asher at the end of the day
It's been a beautiful weekend so far with temperatures in the 50s. The forest and lake are alive with animals who have returned for the summer. Asher is working on his New Year's resolution with Pete striving to become an observer, rather than a participant, of water fowl behavior.

Pete has been working hard on a chicken coop.  The coop is turning out to be the Trump Tower of chicken coops with lots of attention to heat, cooling, ventilation and the comfort of future inhabitants. I would expect nothing less from an HVAC man (that's heating, ventilation and air conditioning - for those not in the know).

We've been reading Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens and a little pamphlet by Gail Damerow titled Building Chicken Coops. Both publications were Christmas gifts from Pat.

She understands the importance of doing things right and pointed me in the direction of a periodical called Backyard Poultry. 

I found back issues of this magazine being given away for FREE at the library. Can you imagine?

Pete has been building the future home for a small flock (3-4) Araucana Americana chickens. This variety is supposed to be cold hardy, but my attraction to the breed is that they lay green eggs.
Araucana Americana hen
I'll keep you posted on the Wetzler chicken farming exploits, but one thing at a time - we're still in the construction phase. The design of the pen/fencing is on our minds now, but Maddie Jo's still remembers those Easter eggs and how much see enjoys them.

"What? We have eggs?"
"I don't see any eggs.

"Need some help?"
Maddie loves to check in on Pete when he is working. The dogs have really enjoyed spending time outside as it has been warm and dry. We hope Pete's work with Asher on project Duck Watch will translate to chickens as well.

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