Friday, May 13, 2011

A Trip to Net Lake

Gracie on the Road to Net Lake
Our property surrounds a little 23 acre lake named Net Lake. During the winter it is pretty hard to get to the lake because the snow is so deep. The trail down to the lake is about a car's width and we don't plow it. A couple of times I snowshoed down the trail, but I didn't take the dogs as I didn't want them to run across the frozen lake and on to the U.P.  I have spent too many afternoons chasing dogs through the snow and ice during my childhood on the Milwaukee River.

Last weekend I decided to walk the dogs down to the now thawed lake.  The phrase "Let's go to Net Lake" is in Asher's vocabulary. When walk down Ashe Road and he races past the turn off to the lake all I have to say is "Let's go to Net Lake" and he turns around and tears down the path to the lake.
Maddie Jo inspecting the porch
Near the end of the path, up on a hill overlooking the lake, sits a wonderful screened porch that Tom Theodore built for my dad. Dad likes to read there in a cool, mosquito free environment. It survived the snow, but it looks like a large animal, bigger than a Weimaraner, tried to scratch through one of the screens during the winter.

While Maddie was checking out the screened porch on the top of the hill Asher dashed down to the dock to check the lake for any unwanted guests.

He didn't see any beavers, otters, ducks, deer, geese or loons on the water; so he decided to take a closer look under the water.

Asher & Gracie see something

"Where is he?"

"Maybe on this side."

While Asher and Maddie were looking under the dock Maddie Jo looked on.

Maddie doesn't like to go in the lakes, although she doesn't mind wading in swimming pools or taking warm showers.

While Asher and Gracie were busy looking for trolls under the dock and Maddie was looking at them look for trolls, something was happening on Net Lake. I don't know if you can see it behind Maddie - not the Net Lake Monster, but . . .

A loon sneaking up behind us
We spent a long time down on the dock, but the dogs never saw the loon and eventually it swam to the other side out of sight.  After awhile Maddie and I got bored and dragged the two panting, dirty dogs back to the house.

The girls enjoyed a nap in the warm sun.

Maddie Jo & Gracie 
Asher on (in)
Payment Lake
Asher was confident that Net Lake was free of invaders, but what about Payment Lake?  He remained on Lake Watch.
Asher asleep in the leaves

Eventually, even the most vigilant watchers succumb to the warm sun and a soft spot within a dog's dash of the lake.

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