Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day
from the Weimaraners

Happy Mother's Day Gwen! We're thinking about you and wishing you a great day. Have fun at Laurie's house. We'll celebrate with you this summer.

I was thinking about my mom today and I decided to head to the Warehouse and pick out some flowers to plant in her honor.  

The Warehouse opened their garden section on the 7th. They have beautiful annuals and perennials including lots of Mom's favorites.

A number of years ago Dad put in two raised beds in the Friendly Forest. We have planted perennials with a preference for partial sun and shade in the beds the past few years.

 Some have done better than others, but I could see quite a few starting to break through the soil.  With the help of Asher, Maddie Jo and Gracie I cleared out the leaves and planted a small selection of new flowers.


We put all the flowers in the beds, added a little water and hoped the snow and freezing temperatures were truly behind us.

The finished product - two gardens filled with red, purple and pink deer resistant perennials with a scattering of pink petunias and blue pansies. Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Mom with Freya and Ginger in Mercer
date unknown

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