Saturday, October 22, 2011


Pete found an egg in the chicken house on Thursday - the chickens' first egg!  Well, one of the chickens first egg. We're not sure which one.

Was it . . .

Or, what about . . .

How about. . .
We know it wasn't Henrietta. She is a Red Star chicken and should lay brown eggs. What's more, she seems to be having a hard time getting the idea of what her laying box is for. I think she believes it is a litter box.
Pearl and Flora are both Araucana chickens. Araucanas lay bluish green eggs - just like the one Pete found.

The egg was inside the hen house, but all the chickens were in the yard and none of them were doing a victory dance.
It's a mystery and as of today there are two!

1 comment:

  1. Good news, I caught the laying hen in the act this morning. The honor goes to Flora! She laid her third egg this morning. I asked her if it hurt. She had no comment.
