Sunday, October 9, 2011

Apples Today

The 50th Annual Apple Festival is going on this weekend in Bayfield.  Pete and I made the drive up on Friday. The leaves were still at their peak and the town was just beautiful.

A festive downtown
I didn't know there were
dolphins in the Lake

Pete enjoyed an apple dumpling

We walked down the street and listened to the music of the Blue Canvas Orchestra, tasted apple treats and meandered through the crafts.

The Bay was colorful

and so were the
town's gardens

The visit wouldn't be complete without buying some apples.

On the way home from Bayfield we stopped and picked out a few pumpkins for Halloween.
Lots of pumpkins to choose from

Pete pays for
our pumpkins
Along with two pumpkins we purchased an acorn squash for dinner. I got out my trusty Alice Waters cookbook from Chez Panisse, Vegetables, to check on the baking time and temperature.

In doing so I found out that Ms. Waters enjoys baking the squash with cloves of garlic stuck into the flesh.  I took her tip and added to it.  After halving and scooping out the seeds I filled the two halves with garlic, sauteed onions and BUTTER! I baked the squash skin side down in a baking dish with about 1/4" of water (so the skin wouldn't burn) for 45 minutes at 400 degrees.

The squash was delicious, but what I'm really looking forward to is Pete's apple pie. He and Gwen have already had a telephone conference to discuss the ingredients and the methods. Today he is off to the store to get a few things, then this afternoon the house should be filled with apple pie aroma.  More on that later.

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