Yup, we're still here. There hasn't been a lot of snow this winter, but we're enjoying what we have. There have been sightings of ice fishermen on Net Lake, so yesterday we decided to check in out.
This is the path to Net Lake. The snow is about a foot deep in the woods; fine if you have snowshoes, like Pete, otherwise you have to follow in his footsteps.
Maddie Jo would never jump off the dock into the lake in the summer, but in the winter she's unstoppable on her mission to find evidence of ice fishermen.
Here's the evidence. They came in through the Payment Lake channel using ATVs. There were tracks all over the lake.
While Asher investigated the other side of the lake the girls and I looked on the near side.
Gracie found an ice hole. There were eight or ten of them scattered across the lake.
We tracked them through the channel and onto Payment Lake.
Asher loves to follow tracks.
Maddie Jo is ready to be our "muscle" if we need her. We've been watching a lot of The Wire.
Gracie was ready for anything as well.
They both had Pete's back as he made his way home.
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