Monday, January 2, 2012

Northwoods Beauty - good for the soul

Beauty -- be not caused -- It Is--
Chase it, and it ceases --
Chase it not, and it abides --
                           -Emily Dickinson

I've been reading a lot about beauty lately - the idea that  beautiful
thoughts build beautiful souls. I've been more aware of all the natural
beautiful that surrounds us each day. It starts in the morning with sunrise.

Beauty upon waking - December 31st sunrise
The simple act of eating is great fodder for observing
animal antics and the beauty of wild and domestic
animals and their relationships.

Deer eating in the yard

Otter eating on the lake

Dogs eating in the kitchen
Christmas is a great time to create some of beauty of our own making.
Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations

Nature always seems to do a better job and the lights don't burn out.

Christmas decorations by Nature
"The face of beauty is always present, even where others see non-beauty."
                                                        -Dr. Wayne Dyer

My beautiful worms!

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