Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tomorrow We're Cooking

Pete prepares to cook.
Breaking Bad - AMC photo
I got home from doing some errands today when Pete announced, "I've got enough stuff, so tomorrow we're cookin."  I think I have heard this line a few times on one of my favorite television shows, Breaking Bad. The show is about a chemistry teacher, strapped for cash, who turns to cooking meth and eventually becomes a drug kingpin.  Check it out on AMC Breaking Bad.

No, trying to survive in the Northwoods has not turned us into meth heads - we're maple heads, or perhaps, mape heads.  We have enough sap to boil down and make maple syrup. Watch out Vermont.

"Is there enough yet?"

Pete tapped about 8 sugar maple trees last weekend and the sap has been flowing off and on all week. Jere gave us a beginner's kit for Christmas complete with the taps, sap saks, a hydrometer and a little book.

Sap Saks in the Woods
Pete made one batch earlier this week and the product (sorry, I'm still in a Breaking Bad frame of mind) was great. Tomorrow I'll get to see how it's done.

This is where you cook.

What are we waiting for?
Let's get cookin!
Stay tuned until tomorrow when we'll be . . .
Breaking Sweet

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, that one tree wasn't producing. Turned out it was an oak. Ooops, my bad.
