Saturday, June 19, 2010

Frenchman in the Forest

In the mid-1600s Jean Nicollet, French explorer, translator and negotiator, traveled through Wisconsin. Today, a feline ancestor, Mr. French, explored the forest along Ashe Road.  Nicollet planned to live in the forest with the Native Americans to learn their language and trade fur.  Mr. French also has lofty goals; he seems determined to stealthy walk through the woods unnoticed over fallen logs, through high grasses among the birds, squirrels and spiders.  He has no interest in learning the language and habits of the domesticated Weimaraners, but seems very curious to find something exotic in the wild.

Jean Nicollet

Mr. French walks the log

Mr. French in high grass
A Frenchman in the Forest

A Paris cousin
Mr. French is a great walking companion.  He allows me to walk just to the side of him or a bit behind him.  Being a cat, he decides upon the route and rarely allows he to lead.  He doesn't startle easily and doesn't run very fast if he sees something of interest.  Maybe it's because he is a mature (11 years old) cat or maybe he is just very nonplussed in a very French fashion, but he seems to take the new surroundings in stride.  I am amazed that he has gone from a downtown Long Beach cat, to a gated community Las Vegas cat, to a Northwoods cat - all outdoors, for the most part.

Now that he is a bit older and the property is a bit bigger and badder than anything he has been in before I am considering an outdoor cat enclosure.  I think it would be safer for him and it would certainly ease my mind.  Best Friends, in Utah, had wonderful cat houses. It looks like there are several places on the Internet that offer them including Sun Catcher Enclosures and Habitat Haven.

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