Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Snow is Here!

It started snowing around 1:00 p.m. this afternoon.  Our first sticking snow of the season. Asher and Maddie Jo were ready to romp.

This is the first day of deer hunting season, so I made sure all three dogs had their safety vests on. I say all three, as I started with three dogs, but Gracie made it as far as the stairs before she turned around and decided to enjoy the snow from the sofa.

Maddie and Asher had a nice run down the driveway and through the woods.

Asher sprinting
down the drive.

Maddie Jo

Into the Woods

"Where's that squirrel?"

After awhile it was time to make our way home.

"Come on let's go home."

So, back to the house we went. I got the pups out of their wet vests, gave them a towel down and then Asher retired to his spot in front of the fire.

We've heard a long, cold winter is in the forecast. I'll let you know if the dogs still enjoy the snow in a couple of months.

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