Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Halloween

I know I said I wouldn't decorate the dogs, but I just couldn't resist.

Asher and Gracie

Maddie Jo
 I just put a little white paint on their faces and let them wear their Halloween neck gear.  It was so simple, and then the push back. . .

"Enough already!"
Gracie rubbing the paint off.

"Can't we just celebrate my birthday without dressing up?"
Halloween is Asher's birthday; this year he turned six.  After all the paint was washed off and the costumes were put away we got on with the celebration.

Jumping for cake.

Waiting to blow
out the candle.

Maddie Jo enjoys
her pupcake.

I baked pumpkin pupcakes for Asher's birthday. They were devoured - paper and all.

Asher's Pumpkin Pupcakes

1 16 oz can of pumpkin
2 cups cornbread mix
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 milk
1 egg

Mix the ingredients and fill 12 cupcake paper-lined tins.
Bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.

Those were the treats for the dogs. Pete and I enjoyed the trick-o-treating candy. Sadly, there were no trick-or-treaters brave enough to come down Ashe Road.

Halloween Traditions

A ghostly dog.

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