Monday, October 10, 2011

Oh My, It's Pie

It started with a Granny Smith apple tree near Williams Electric and a little inspiration from Bayfield's Apple Festival.

Pete conferred with Gwen on an apple pie recipe and took off early Sunday to gather the ingredients from Snow's. We already had the apples from the tree beside Williams Electric.

Let the preparation begin!

Pete peeling apples.

Maddie Jo enjoys apple peelings.

Gracie thinks she
might enjoy one too.

Peelings for all pups.

Asher doesn't want
to be left out.

Preparing the crust.

Oh my, two pies.
One with lard, one without.

They went into the 400 degree oven for 15 minutes and then for 45 minutes at 350 degrees.  The house smelled heavenly. When they came out of the oven the dogs could not ignore them.

"Are these for us? One for you and one for me."

"No, little dogs, those aren't for you."

"I'm not looking at them."

"Maybe just a little taste."

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