Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Cookies for Breakfast

We had Christmas cookies and coffee for breakfast; a quick meal as the dogs we're jumping up and down at the door anticipating a walk.  I did my baking this year by buying 2 pounds of homemade cookies at the St. Matthias cookie walk earlier in the mouth. I put the box in the freezer and pulled it out  yesterday. I think they ought to make Christmas Cookie cereal.

We had snow on the ground for a white Christmas, but now we'll have more.  It's snowing this morning!

 I dressed the dogs in their red winter jackets grabbed a coffee to go and off we went. It was just beautiful outside - not too cold for exploring the woods and taking it slow.

Back at the house and the dogs have been good as gold.  The packages have remained untouched under the tree and no ornaments have been relocated to the floor. The true test will be later on when Pete starts preparing our Christmas Eve dinner. Sometimes the "out of the kitchen" command only works for a few minutes.

For now they are on Santa's good list.

Maddie Jo is attentive
Grace is sleeping

And Asher . . . 
"So, when does this Santa guy get here?"

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