Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Black-Eyed Peas for Luck

When I went to school in Virginia I was introduced to a number of southern delicacies that I had never really considered before, including greens and black-eyed peas.  While the two are enjoyed throughout the year, they are required eating in many homes for the New Year. Both greens and peas are associated with money and are eaten to bring financial luck and good fortune.

Since I enjoy almost any dried legume I can find in the grocery store, cooking up a pot of black-eyed peas for New Year's seems like an easy way to guarantee a successful 2012.

I had a nice black-eyed pea recipe I acquired in Virginia, but I don't have it here. I remember it being fairly complicated with a lot of heat.  I decided to take a simple approach this year.

I pre-soaked and cooked a bag of dried black-eyed peas then I let them cool. If you cook the peas at a low simmer, rather than a boil, the skins won't burst.  I was not patient enough to do this.

I chopped, sauteed and browned an onion with 3 cloves of garlic. I added just a touch of diced serrano pepper, a couple of squirts of balsamic vinegar, thyme, oregano, and beer. After the flavors combined I stirred in the peas and this time I set it at a very low simmer.

When I was ready to eat I folded in some baby spinach leaves as I didn't have any "real" greens.  I think the spinach worked. If it doesn't bring financial riches I know it will bring strength and health - it did for Popeye.

The dogs need luck too. I mixed a handful of plain cooked black-eyed peas into their food - so now they're LUCKY DOGS!  They were lucky this morning, when they got to forgo their walk due to the low (-12 degrees) temperature.

lucky, sofa-sleeping, dogs

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