Sunday, September 11, 2011

Last of the Hummingbirds

John Bates, our Northwoods naturalist, wrote in Friday's Lakeland Times that we usually think of our hummingbirds beginning to migrate around September 10.  With only a few days left until their departure I caught this little guy filling up to prepare for his journey.

The hummingbirds have been great fun to watch all summer. Four or five of them regularly visit our feeders and negotiate spots for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

 When the food runs out the birds are quick to let us know by staring into the living room window until we get the idea.
The dogs don't seem to pay much attention to the little birds; they never bark at them or bother them. If only they showed the chickens the same disregard.

Have a safe journey friends. Enjoy your winter in warmer climates and we'll see you next summer.

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